The Open University Society of Change Ringers
As at November 2017
1. The Society shall be called the "Open University Society of Change Ringers".
2. The aim of the Society is to foster ringing among students, staff and graduates and their families, and furthering contact via the Open University Students Association.
3. Membership is open to the following:
Full membership: students and staff, past and present and graduates of the Open University.
Associate membership: immediate families of Full members.
Members can be nominated at any meeting.
Honorary Membership: Those who may not otherwise be eligible for membership but have assisted in supporting the Society in its aims. They may be proposed for election at an AGM by prior notice to the Secretary. An Honorary member shall not be a voting member, no subscription is payable and their status shall be endorsed annually at the AGM
Honorary Life Membership: This title may be bestowed on any paid-up member of the Society who has exceptionally contributed to the Society throughout their years of membership. Candidates for this post shall be initially proposed in writing to the Secretary and after a committee endorsement, the Secretary and nominee will seek membership approval of two-thirds majority of the voting members present at the A.G.M. at which this decision is to be made. If elected at an A.G.M., the Honorary Life Member will be entitled to continued full membership of the Society with no further subscription payments necessary.
4. The Annual General Meeting will be held in September.
An Extraordinary General meeting may be called by the Secretary at the request of two or more Officers or by 5 members.
A quorum at the A.G.M. or E.G.M. shall be 12 voting members.
There will be two other meetings during the year.
Notice of each meeting will be announced in The Newsletter.
5. Changes to the constitution may be made if agreed at the A.G.M or at an E.G.M. by at least two thirds of the members present and voting at that meeting. The proposed changes must be notified to the membership at the meeting before the A.G.M or 28 days prior to an E.G.M.
Changes are also to be approved by O.U.S.A.
6. The Committee will consist of the following Officers who will be elected at each A.G.M. They will be Full Members of the Society.
Ringing Master, Deputy Ringing Master, Secretary and Treasurer.
Two Committee Members (one of which may be an Associate Member).
O.U.S.A. delegate.
7. The membership fee will be agreed at the A.G.M. It will then become due on 1st August following the A.G.M. A member who has been in arrears for the full year preceding the A.G.M. will be deemed a lapsed member.
8. Peals and Quarter Peals - Those taking part in Peal attempts must be Full, Associate or Life Members. Full or Associate members may be elected prior to the start of the attempt. Membership is to be ratified at the next meeting. All peals must conform to the rules of the Central Council of Church Bellringers and a copy of the details sent to the Secretary. Quarter Peals may have guest ringers but the majority should be members.
9. A donation to the local tower fund will be made at each tower visited on the day of the meeting.
10. The agenda and minutes of the previous meeting are to be circulated to all members prior to a meeting.
11. Whilst the Society will be affiliated to the Open University Students Association (O.U.S.A.) it is a separate legal entity and not part of the Association, it accepts the decision that in the event of the Society disbanding by committee decision, and after consultation with O.U.S.A., any residue of the accounts shall be donated to an organisation such as the Central Council of Church Bell ringers for the purpose of promoting training and education after all debts and other liabilities have been honoured.
12. Banking arrangements are at the discretion of the Treasurer with the approval of the Committee.
The Financial Accounts of the Society shall be approved annually by independent examiners and shall then be presented by the Treasurer or the Secretary at the A.G.M. for approval.
13. One delegate to be elected to the Societies' Standing Committee.
14. As an affiliated Society, one delegate may be elected to attend the O.U.S.A Conference, or as specified by the O.U.S.A Constitution.
November 2017