Membership Information
Membership is open to any student, graduate or staff member (past or present) of The Open University. Associate Membership is also available to any immediate family of a student, graduate or staff member. If you wish to join us, please return the information below to
ï‚· Your Name
ï‚· Your full postal address with Post Code
ï‚· Your Mobile and/or Land line telephone number(s)
ï‚· Your Email address
ï‚· Your Student or Staff number
ï‚· Your OU status [Student, Staff, Graduate or Family member]
ï‚· Your preferred payment method [Bacs, Cheque, cash or other]
Annual Membership runs from 1st August each year to 31st July the following year, with a formal AGM held during November. Joining mid-year may attract a decreased subscription for the initial year. We also have Junior, and Associate Membership facilities.
Non-members are always welcome at any event – no matter what you can ring: rounds, call changes or some really advanced stuff.
Annual Membership Fees
Now ONLY £5 per annum (payment by BACS is preferred)