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Safeguarding policy with respect to children and vulnerable adults.

The Society will comply with the recommendation of following good practice principles in the Safeguarding Guide for Bell Ringers issued by the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. We will ensure that at meetings there will be Committee members who have done the safeguarding training and will have a designated safeguarding Officer. The Society will encourage all members to do the basic training.
Denise Hughes is our safeguarding officer.

There are two documents that cover Safeguarding in OPUSCR:

OpUSCR Safeguarding Policy Statement e1-v1
OpUSCR Safeguarding Procedure e1-v1


It is a policy that we do not publish personal details of any of our members within this site including their respective Email addresses, phone numbers and home addresses. In the event further details are required, please use our Contact Us facility.

© The Open University Society of Change Ringers

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