Welcome to our website
Forthcoming events:
1st February 2025
Training Day, London Docklands using DLR - Colin Friend
26th April 2025
Spring Meeting, North Herefordshire - Denise Hughes
11th - 13th July 2025
Summer Meeting, North East Wales - Isobel Murphy
27th September 2025
A.G.M 2025 Towcester area - Odette Dawkins
Newsletter 178 has now
been issued to members.
If you haven't had yours please let us know...
This issue contains the excellent write up by Harry Andrews all about the September AGM tour. Tim and Denise, our newsletter editors, are also on the look out for written contributions for the magazine.
Please see here for details of the QP rung in Wirksworth, Derbyshire before our AGM ringing day.
Our Quarter Peal day on Saturday 16 November in North Hampshire was an enjoyable day out that chalked up success in seven out of the eight attempts. For QP details, please click here...
Safeguarding Policy
The OPUSCR has a safeguarding policy statement. Please click here for more details...
Please contact the OPUSCR Webmaster Keith Murphy for matters relating to this site.
The bells shown are from St Bees Priory, Cumbria. Photographs courtesy of Dougsim - licence https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en